
Intelligent Systems ( Week 3 )

Student Journal

Brenda Spears – 2201841702

In the third week of the Intelligent Systems course, we discussed on informed search (BFS, A* search, and heuristic) and local search. Informed search uses domain knowledge for it to be able to lead selection of the best path to continue its search.

Heuristic is a technique used to quickly solve a problem using the rule of thumb, intuitive judgement, or common sense. For BFS, sort nodes in the nodes list by increasing values of an evaluation function f(n) that incorporates domain-specific information.

The difference between A* algorithm and greedy BFS is A* can be morphed into another path-finding algorithm by simply playing with the heuristics it uses and how it evaluates each node, but BFS is very useful when you want to find the shortest and most optimal path by traversing as few edges as possible. Both A* and greedy BFS is complete, which means that it will always find a solution if it exists.

For our group project, my team and I had not progress this week as we were still deciding on the ideas and still researching on the algorithms.

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Intelligent Systems ( Week 2 )

Student Journal

Brenda Spears – 2201841702

In the second week of the Intelligent Systems course, we were familiarized with uninformed search (DFS, BFS, etc.) .

In this lecture, we learned about the problem-solving agent, the goal or problem the agent tried to achieve or solve, the actions needed to be taken, and the knowledge the agent needs. The agent needs sufficient and adequate informations in order to reach the goal and able to deliver the descriptions of the situation.

Then, we learned the uniform search strategies. BFS using queue, DFS using stack, Depth-limited search (DFS with limited depth), Uniform-cost search using priority queue to order nodes, sorted by their path costs, IDS which requires modification to the tree search algorithm.

BFS properties:

– A finite branching factor makes it complete.

– All edges having the same cost makes it optimal.

– Take a lot of time and memory to find solutions with large number of steps.

DFS properties:

– May not terminate without a loop detection or depth bound.

– It will not be complete without a cycle detection.

– Does a chronological back tracking.

UCS properties:

– Branching factor is finite makes it complete.

For our group project, my team and I had come up with a decision to create a program that could detect facial emotions using tensorflow. We might integrate it, but still in the process of researching and finding other ideas.

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Intelligent Systems ( Week 1)

Student Journal

Brenda Spears – 2201841702

In the first session of the Intelligent Systems course, we were introduced to Artificial Intelligence and Agent Architecture. Adding to that, we were also briefed regarding the final project for this course.

During lecture, we discussed about the history of Artificial Intelligence, the founder of the concept of AI and who invented the programming language. We were then familiarized with machine learning, the field of study that gives computers the capability to learn without being explicitly programmed. We learned on how it works, how it detects problems and learn the pattern from it to solve it. Next was Artificial Intelligence itself. We learned 4 things that built up an AI ( Thinking Humanly, Thinking Rationally, Acting Humanly, and Acting Rationally )

For the second part, we learned about Intelligent Agent Design. In this lecture, I was able to understand the components of software agents, performance measure, environmental factors and agent types. We learned about PEAS ( performance, environment, actions, sensors ). For environmental factors, it determines the agent design. It consists of characteristics that are Fully Observable or Partially Observable, Deterministic or Stochastic, Episodic or Sequential, Static or Dynamic, Discrete or Continuous, and Single Agent or Multiple Agents. Lastly, the agent designs that we were taught are Simple Reflex Agent, Reflex Agent with Internal State (Model-Based), Goal-Based Agent, Utility-Based Agent, and Learning Agent.

In this session, I learned that artificial intelligence are design to be like humans, being able to think and process like human. It also opened up my mind on how artificial intelligence has advantages that could benefit humans like less human error, more time consumed without needing rest like how human needs it and many more. I also learned that environment plays a big role in design an artificial intelligence systems.

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DataBase Final Report

Problem Description

The use of paper work in managing this system can be challenging. Human errors and the lack of integrity can occur. Not to mention the large amount of time consumed. Designing this system could alleviate the inefficiency that occasionally arose when using manual method. It provides uncomplicated methods in handling the employees that still maintains its privacy.

The purpose of this database is to manage and see the details of employees in a company. This database will contain employee details such as department, which branch do they work in, etc. Hence this database will make it easier to keep track of employees and makes managing employees more efficient. (smth like this maybe)


Brenda Spears:

In this project, I was assigned to create and design the user interface using Java Swing. I also contributed in designing and making further changes in the ERD and the normalization table. Adding to that, I also helped in creating the database.

Kotrakona Harinatha Sreeya Reddy:

My contribution to this project was to design and make the functions that will be used in the database. For example, addAdmin, checkadmin, deleteDepartment and updateEmployee are few of those functions. I also worked to optimise these functions to suit the database. I also helped contribute to making the queries that are used in the database.

Vicky Vanessa:

My contribution in this project are to design the initial ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) for the project and then help with further changes in the ERD as discussed as well as making the database. Moreover, I provided the query that are used in the functions of the codes. I also helped with and provide further improvement for some of the code used for the function and user interfaces. Also, help with the initial design of the user interface and help to code it.

Database Design

Entity Relationship Diagram

Primary Key **

Field –

Foreign key #


admin(username, password)

branch(branch_id, branch_address, branch_city)

  • PRIMARY KEY (branch_id)

department(department_id,  department_name, branch_id)

  • PRIMARY KEY (department_id)
  • FOREIGN KEY (branch_id) REFERENCES branch(branch_id) ON DELETE CASCADE

job(job_id, job_name, min_salary, department_id)

  • PRIMARY KEY (job_id)
  • FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES department(department_id) ON DELETE CASCADE

history(employee_id, hire_date, end_date, job_id)

  • PRIMARY KEY (employee_id)
  • FOREIGN KEY (job_id) REFERENCES job(job_id)

employee(employee_id, first_name, last_name, email, phone_number, job_id, salary)

  • PRIMARY KEY (employee_id)
  • FOREIGN KEY (employee_id) REFERENCES history(employee_id)


Sample Queries

Query for showing all the employees.

SELECT employee.employee_id, employee.first_name, employee.last_name,, employee.phone_number, job.job_name, employee.salary, department.department_name, branch.branch_address, branch.branch_city FROM employee 

       INNER JOIN department ON department.department_id = employee.department_id 

       INNER JOIN branch ON department.branch_id = branch.branch_id 

       INNER JOIN job ON job.job_id = employee.job_id 

       INNER JOIN history ON employee.employee_id = history.employee_id 

       WHERE history.end_date is null 

       ORDER BY employee.employee_id DESC

Query for deleting branch

DELETE FROM branch WHERE branch_id = ?

Query for inserting into department

INSERT INTO department(department_name, branch_id) 


Query for updating when an employee want to quit

UPDATE history set end_date = CURDATE() WHERE employee_id = ?

Query for adding department

INSERT INTO department(department_name, branch_id) 


User Interface

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My Contribution

In this project, I was assigned to create and design the user interface using Java Swing. I also contributed in designing and making further changes in the ERD. Adding to that, I also helped in creating the database.

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Database Presentation

Azure CosmoDB


  • Vicky Vanessa
  • Brenda Spears

Azure cosmoDB is a NoSQL Database, which is document oriented. It is manufactured by Microsoft Corporation at 2010. It is the first globally distributed data service. It is highly responsive as well, released on May 2017. Real-time operational analytics and AI at global scale. It has a dynamic schema, best suited for hierarchical data storage and is horizontally scalable.

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Database Project Proposal

Project Details

Project Name

Employee Management System

Group Members

Vicky Vanessa

Brenda Spears

Sreeya Reddy

Problem Statement

The use of paper work in managing this system can be challenging. Human errors and the lack of integrity can occur. Not to mention the large amount of time consumed. Designing this system could alleviate the inefficiency that occasionally arose when using manual method. It provides uncomplicated methods in handling the employees that still maintains its privacy.

Targer Users


List of Relation

Our Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) will look something like the picture below, we might update it at a later time.

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