
Intelligent Systems ( Week 1)

Student Journal

Brenda Spears – 2201841702

In the first session of the Intelligent Systems course, we were introduced to Artificial Intelligence and Agent Architecture. Adding to that, we were also briefed regarding the final project for this course.

During lecture, we discussed about the history of Artificial Intelligence, the founder of the concept of AI and who invented the programming language. We were then familiarized with machine learning, the field of study that gives computers the capability to learn without being explicitly programmed. We learned on how it works, how it detects problems and learn the pattern from it to solve it. Next was Artificial Intelligence itself. We learned 4 things that built up an AI ( Thinking Humanly, Thinking Rationally, Acting Humanly, and Acting Rationally )

For the second part, we learned about Intelligent Agent Design. In this lecture, I was able to understand the components of software agents, performance measure, environmental factors and agent types. We learned about PEAS ( performance, environment, actions, sensors ). For environmental factors, it determines the agent design. It consists of characteristics that are Fully Observable or Partially Observable, Deterministic or Stochastic, Episodic or Sequential, Static or Dynamic, Discrete or Continuous, and Single Agent or Multiple Agents. Lastly, the agent designs that we were taught are Simple Reflex Agent, Reflex Agent with Internal State (Model-Based), Goal-Based Agent, Utility-Based Agent, and Learning Agent.

In this session, I learned that artificial intelligence are design to be like humans, being able to think and process like human. It also opened up my mind on how artificial intelligence has advantages that could benefit humans like less human error, more time consumed without needing rest like how human needs it and many more. I also learned that environment plays a big role in design an artificial intelligence systems.

Written by 2201841702brenda in: Uncategorized |

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