
Intelligent Systems ( Week 3 )

Student Journal

Brenda Spears – 2201841702

In the third week of the Intelligent Systems course, we discussed on informed search (BFS, A* search, and heuristic) and local search. Informed search uses domain knowledge for it to be able to lead selection of the best path to continue its search.

Heuristic is a technique used to quickly solve a problem using the rule of thumb, intuitive judgement, or common sense. For BFS, sort nodes in the nodes list by increasing values of an evaluation function f(n) that incorporates domain-specific information.

The difference between A* algorithm and greedy BFS is A* can be morphed into another path-finding algorithm by simply playing with the heuristics it uses and how it evaluates each node, but BFS is very useful when you want to find the shortest and most optimal path by traversing as few edges as possible. Both A* and greedy BFS is complete, which means that it will always find a solution if it exists.

For our group project, my team and I had not progress this week as we were still deciding on the ideas and still researching on the algorithms.

Written by 2201841702brenda in: Uncategorized |

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